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Life facts: pillow choice, you know?
Release time: 2021/4/7 22:01:36   Page view: 210
Everyone is concerned about their health, but most of us are not particularly fussy about the pillow we use to sleep on each day. The direct result is the low quality of sleep, and chronic cervical spondylosis and other problems.
In fact, with a few simple tips, you can quickly choose the right pillow for yourself and your family.
People have height and heads have size. Different crowd, ought to choose different pillow according to physiological need.
Infant: The baby's spine is erect and a normal neck curve is acquired. So generally for babies, should use flat pillow, the pillow age family designed for craniocerebral forming babies in the "back" glyph pillow, can make the baby just sleep in the middle of the pillow sag, the neck pillow on the edge of the uplift, can stable baby sleep posture, and can help babies raised before normal cervical spine curvature.
Are pillows the key to determining the shape of a child's head? The answer may not be what parents expect. Experts emphasize that as long as parents every two hours for the child to turn over a sleeping position, to avoid maintaining the same position too long, can effectively sculpture the child's head.
Choose your pillow carefully to avoid choking risks
Does the newborn baby need a pillow? In fact, it is not! The baby's cervical spine is straight, so when it's lying down, it's naturally vertical, so it doesn't need to be supported by a pillow, and if you use a pillow that's too soft before the age of six months, you can also be at risk of suffocation, experts said.
The expert emphasizes, to infant character, the pillow is not the necessity that needs certainly, especially too soft pillow, not enough prop up the pressure of the head when infant lies up. And babies tend to curl up in their mother's tummy, so babies can sleep in any position, so they don't need extra sleeping AIDS.
In addition, after a full moon, the baby has enough strength to move its head, so if you look closely at the baby, it will usually leave the pillow about an hour after it enters the sleep state, so, for the baby, the pillow is obviously useless.
So when do you really need a pillow? Experts say you don't need a pillow until your child is older and can sleep in a fixed position.
Choose the right pillow for your needs
Every child is the baby of the family, and the choice of personal products is not careless. Back2's leading expert in the field of sleep AIDS says that when choosing a pillow for a young child, you should start with the child's length and height to choose the right pillow.
If you choose too hard pillow (such as: mung bean pillow) can not fit the child's head shape, too soft (such as: down pillow) and can not give enough support to the cervical spine, and there is a risk of suffocation, therefore, the right hardness, is suitable for children's products.
As for the material of the table cloth should also choose the material with good air permeability, so as not to be too stuffy and airtight to make the baby allergic. In addition, because the baby will drool 10, choose an easy to clean pillow, but also for the mother to save a lot of cleaning on the trouble.
Children: primary school students can also use a "back" word ditch pillow; Middle school students can use the pillow of buckwheat skin, choose the pillow with better air permeability, help absorb the perspiration of the night, reduce the possibility of wind.
Adult: adult appropriate chooses the pillow with good breathability. Hypertension patients, can choose chrysanthemum pillow; Headache patient, can choose mung bean pillow; People with cervical spondylosis can choose a pillow with good elasticity and slow rebound.
Old people: old people should choose the pillow that can bear neck very well. Accustomed to low pillow person, can choose memory pillow. The body is more healthy person, can choose latex pillow or memory pillow, summer still can choose water pillow, cane pillow.
Now all kinds of health care pillows on the market are very many, when people choose a pillow, must be based on their own physical condition and economic ability, choose the pillow that the manufacturer with better market reputation produces.
Not only can let you feel to dawn, still can let the whole body get sufficient rest when sleeping!
Key words: Mattess,Pillow,Carpet,Blanket,Cushion,Slippers,Household supplies,Beddings,Sponge product,Huai'an household bedding export

Mattress series
Bed cover series
Spongy cushion series

Pillow series
Health care chemical fiber pillow
Latex memory pillow
U-shape pillow

Cushion series
Hold pillow
Waist cushion
Seat cushion
Lazy couch cushions

Blankets series
Home Blanket

Pet series
Pet clothing
Pet stairs
Pet nest

Car series
Neck pillow waist
Car cushion

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