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Home common sense mattress knowledge
Release time: 2021/4/7 22:04:13   Page view: 301
If we have problems with our back, the bed becomes very important because we spend about a third of our lives in it. So it is very important to choose the right bed to sleep in, rather than simply letting him/her sleep in an old, second-hand bed that has been used. Buying a quality mattress is one of the steps you must take to prevent future back problems.
The causes of back pain are many, and neither orthodontists nor spinal surgeons would consider simply changing a bed as an alternative to medical treatment.
However, medical experts have been convinced that a good bed is crucial to providing the right support and comfort, giving patients much-needed rest, relief from pain and becoming an integral part of the treatment of back problems.
In other words, we don't want to hurt our feet with the wrong shoes. If you have lower back problems, simply changing your bed won't cure you.
In fact, most doctors treating back problems will ask patients what kind of bed they are using and will be advised to change beds if they are very soft, bumpy, or have sunk heavily.
Curvature of the spine
Contrary to popular belief, the spine is not straight. The spine is actually formed in a continuous inverse "S" shape. As the fetus's body takes shape in the womb, the back forms a simple inverse "C" curve.
The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae, each of which is different despite having a similar shape. Each vertebra is a cylindrical body with a space behind it that the spinal cord passes through. Between the two vertebra bodies is a shock buffer called a disc, a sticky fluid in the core of the disc that slides, secreted into the nerve root, where the disc presses on the nerve root and pain is felt at the nerve source, usually in the leg.
As the baby slowly lifts its head after birth, it gradually develops another curve to balance its weight. Babies start walking around 12 months and eventually develop a waist curve.
A firm mattress is usually recommended for people with waist problems. This is because patients with lumbar disease usually find it firmer and more comfortable. This advice may be true if you are replacing old and worn mattresses. But keep in mind that solidity is a very personal judgment, and it depends on many factors, such as your weight, height, age, the way you sleep, and various conditions you may have itching or pain, all of which depend on how each person feels.
Key words: Mattess,Pillow,Carpet,Blanket,Cushion,Slippers,Household supplies,Beddings,Sponge product,Huai'an household bedding export

Mattress series
Bed cover series
Spongy cushion series

Pillow series
Health care chemical fiber pillow
Latex memory pillow
U-shape pillow

Cushion series
Hold pillow
Waist cushion
Seat cushion
Lazy couch cushions

Blankets series
Home Blanket

Pet series
Pet clothing
Pet stairs
Pet nest

Car series
Neck pillow waist
Car cushion

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